Journal Author Guidelines

SLAS journals accept manuscript submissions via the SLAS Discovery  and/or SLAS Technology  online manuscript submission systems.

Submissions will be returned to authors if they do not comply with the manuscript and figure guidelines that follow.

Please read these guidelines completely and carefully.

Peer Review Process

The review process is confidential and reviewers are obliged not to discuss papers or authors with anyone outside of the SLAS editorial staff. Manuscripts are typically evaluated according to these Reviewer Guidelines and initial feedback is provided to authors within four weeks after submission. Manuscripts may be accepted as written, declined as inappropriate, or as is most often the case, pending revision. Authors are then offered the opportunity to revise and resubmit their manuscript and provide explanations in response to reviewer questions or suggestions. Revisions and responses are re-reviewed by the editor-in-chief and/or peer reviewers before final publishing decisions are made. Invited reviewers are asked to decline their invitations if they have any perceived conflict of interest with the author, the author's affiliation and/or the topic of the paper.

SLAS conducts conventional single-blind reviews in which reviewer names are always concealed from the submitting author. As part of the submission process, authors are asked to provide names, company names and e-mail addresses of experts who could be called upon to review their manuscripts. Recommended reviewers (preferred reviewers) should be experts in the field who can provide objective assessments of the manuscript. Please be aware of any conflicts of interest when recommending reviewers. For example, reviewers recommended by authors should not:

  • Have prior knowledge of an author’s submission
  • Have recently collaborated with any of the authors
  • Be from the same institution as any of the authors

Authors also are asked to share names of individuals that they do NOT want invited to review their work. SLAS editors will consider these recommendations and requests without obligation.

Author Agreement

A Contributor Form must be completed upon acceptance for publication.

Submission Template

Please use this template when submitting your paper to avoid automatic revision requests before the paper can proceed through the peer review process.

Editorial Contact Information

Send any questions, suggestions, ideas or concerns regarding SLAS journals to:
Jenny Cunningham
SLAS Publishing Manager
1301 West 22nd St., Suite 708
Oak Brook, IL 60523 USA
Tel: +1.630.256.7527, ext. 106