January 25-29, 2025

San Diego Convention Center

San Diego, CA, USA


THANK YOU to everyone who attended and participated in NexusXp at SLAS2025 in San Diego and to our Integration Scenario Showcase sponsors for their contributions to the content and experience: 

  • Ginkgo Bioworks
  • HighRes Biosolutions
  • Biosero, DeepCure, Virscidian and Waters

We hope you were inspired by the examples of integrated technologies in your laboratory and how the DMTA cycle enables effective drug discovery.

If you missed it, download their presentation summaries and case studies below.


Congratulations to the foursome of Biosero, DeepCure, Virscidian and Waters for winning the People's Choice Award, recognizing the best integration scenario showcase (out of the four presented by our sponsors above for Design, Make, Test and Analyze).