January 25-29, 2025
San Diego Convention Center
San Diego, CA, USA
January 25-29, 2025
San Diego Convention Center
San Diego, CA, USA
This course will provide current standards and considered best practice in the discipline of sample management. It will focus on the traditional aspects of compound management (including how to maintain and measure quality of compounds). Recognizing the importance of biologics in drug discovery, the course will also cover biological reagents and best practice in biobanking and clinical sample management.
Susan Crimmin, Ph.D.
Sue Crimmin, Ph.D., is currently running her own consulting firm focusing on drug discovery, sample management, logistics, automation and new technology. She has been an active volunteer with SLAS for many years, including a 3-year term as an SLAS Board Member, and recently retired form her role as VP of Discovery Supply at GlaxoSmithKline. She is a recognized industry expert in sample management, automation and has worked in areas of automation, sample management, HTS and IT. Crimin holds a Ph.D. in microbial biochemistry and is a trained Lean Sigma facilitator.
Katheryn Shea
Azenta Life Sciences
Kathi Shea is the Vice President and General Manager of Sample and Repository Services at Azenta Life Sciences. She is a former President of the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) and served on the Advisory Working Group that developed the College of American Pathologists Biorepository Accreditation Program. She has over 30 years of experience leading biorepository programs and advising on the design of biorepositories, quality systems, and optimal methods for collection, preservation and annotation of biospecimen collections.