March 14, 2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
March 14, 2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Join us for the upcoming SLAS Technology Idea Exchange featuring companies of the inaugural SLAS NexusXp People's Choice Award-winning collaboration: "TEST," as the collaborators present The Future of Drug Discovery: DeepCure's AI and Robotics Driven Pipeline.
DeepCure is accelerating drug discovery through AI, robotics and advanced informatics. A fully integrated hardware and software solution was deployed to synthesize, purify and advance 5,000 to 10,000 new compounds every month through the development pipeline. Design-Make-Test-Analyze (DMTA) was fully automated and increased laboratory efficiency by orders of magnitude. This was accomplished through deep collaboration between DeepCure, Waters, Biosero and Virscidian.
This T.I.E will be discussion-driven with the opportunity for Q&A. Representing TEST for this T.I.E. will be Derrick Miyao (DeepCure), Dustin Whitson (Biosero), Bill Farrell (Virscidian) and Andrew Leightner (Waters), with Hayley Dyer (Biosero) and SLAS Scientific Manager Lesley Granberg, Ph.D. serving as moderators.
NexusXp combines Nexus, the Latin word for link or connection where multiple elements meet, with the modern “Xp” to signify the “Xperience” of making that critical link or connection. NexusXp was a new interactive pavilion at SLAS2025 that showcased collaborative and integrated lab automation scenarios. This new initiative will continue as an SLAS conference experience with supplemental efforts such as the SLAS Technology NexusXp Special Issue.
The SLAS NexusXp People’s Choice Award recognized the best integration scenario showcase (out of the four presented by our sponsors above for Design, Make, Test and Analyze). The award was chosen by conference attendees who visited the pavilion and demonstrated the highest level of integrative innovation and commitment to bringing their company’s products, services and general ethos into the next phase of laboratory automation and connectivity.