20-22 May 2025
Congress Center Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany
20-22 May 2025
Congress Center Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany
The SLAS Student Poster Award recognizes innovative research by students, graduate students, post-doctoral associates and junior faculty (less than four years in first academic appointment) who are chosen to present a poster during SLAS Europe 2025.
Razan El Khaled El Faraj (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Miniaturizing Drug-Induced Differential Gene Expression Analysis for Precision Oncology on Droplet Microarray
Ohad Meir (Blavatnik Center for Drug Discovery, Tel-Aviv University)
High-Throughput Screening for Inhibitors of Calcineurin and NFAT Protein-Protein Interaction
Abstract Submission Deadline — Monday 17 February 2025
Poster Image Upload Deadline: Monday 31 March 2025
Student Poster Judging at SLAS Europe 2025: TBD
Many candidates for the award are chosen to present during SLAS Europe 2025 as part of the SLAS Travel (Tony B.) Award Program. The selection of the recipients of the SLAS Travel (Tony B.) Award is based on several factors and is overseen by the SLAS Awards and Grants Committee. Candidates need not be SLAS Travel (Tony B.) Award recipients to participate in the SLAS Student Poster Award Program.
The SLAS Student Poster Judging Panel reviews all qualifying poster presentations from the abstracts received in response to the Call for Abstracts. To qualify for entry into the SLAS Europe 2025 Student Poster Award, the author must opt-in for consideration using the appropriate checkbox during the abstract submission process.
The Judging Panel is comprised of individuals selected by the SLAS Student Poster Award Judging Panel Chair and formally approved by the SLAS Awards and Grants Committee. These judges represent the various technologies and applications within the SLAS conference curriculum.
Judges may not have or have had any formal association with the candidate poster assigned to them for review. Judges must recuse themselves from evaluating any candidate wherein there exists a relationship such as family, business, financial or other, e.g. academic, student/professional association. Judges must sign a conflict of interest certification form ensuring no improper relationships exist. It is expected that any potential conflicts are declared by the judges. The Student Poster Award Judging Panel Chair makes the final decision on any questionable issues.
Candidates for the award are asked to upload their poster online for review and judging by 31 March 2025. Presenters must meet this pre-screening submission deadline in order to be eligible for the award. The award Chair will assign each judge a pre-determined number of posters to view and judge using an online review site.
The pre-conference panel of judges will narrow the field (based on scores submitted as per the criteria below) to five (5) posters to compete for the award during SLAS Europe 2025. Each of the top five (5) authors will be notified of their standing prior to the start of the virtual conference.
In scoring the posters the judges will consider the following:
Poster Design:
Poster Content:
The on-site panel of judges will view and score the top five (5) posters during the student poster session. The panel of judges will have a set amount of time to access each poster presentation before moving on to the next poster. This will include a question-and-answer period. Presenters will be notified of the approximate time the judges will visit each poster and of the time constraints of the presentation.
Each of the top five (5) presenters is required to remain available for the duration of the poster session in order to be eligible for the award. Once the panel of judges has determined the three winners, the Student Poster Award Chair will notify the winners and provide details regarding award disbursement.
Each candidate will be judged on the same criteria as listed below. In scoring the presentations the judges will consider the following:
The following individuals are not eligible to participate in the SLAS Student Poster Award program:
*The Annual Conference Program Committee comprises a Chair, Associate Chair, Track Chairs and Associate Track Chairs. Session Chairs are not members of the Scientific Program Committee, and therefore, are eligible to participate.
1Abstract Submission Policy
SLAS invites academicians, scientists and post-doctoral and graduate students to submit abstracts poster presentations for this international educational forum. Presentations will be hand-picked by the SLAS Scientific Program Committee. Rules, regulations and guidelines are subject to change at the discretion of the SLAS Board of Directors in accordance with bylaws, policies and procedures.
The cash prizes will be awarded within a month after the conference.
The following rules apply:
Discrimination based on race, religion, gender, age, national origin, ethnicity, veteran’s status or disability in regard to the SLAS Student Poster Award is prohibited. Each candidate shall be evaluated based on the award's criteria, which are tied to the SLAS express purpose of advancing the science and education of technologies in the laboratory.